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 Hey Friend  in this artical you will learn about those 5 bad habit wich do not 90% of the people to be succrssful                                                                                                                                                               in these 5 habit we will see those 3 mental qualites which are like cancer which keeps maximum people unsuccessful  you should check that how many of these 3 are inside you ?  in the 2nd habit well learn about the purpose or impact on which ypu should focus more and here you will learn how to find out your dharma with the help of a formula  and habit  no 3 will discuss about how you  can wake up in the moring  . how you  can make a good moring routine  . then in habit number 4 we will talk about clarity  and in last habit no 5 we will disuss an interesting story  which is very likely that you must have heard it at least once and we will also learn what is the real meaning of that story  i want you to notice which of these five habits are there in you and wich are not  tell me throgh comments
As scientist Nathaniel Brandon talks about the first step towards change is awareness  and the second is acceptance. when you are awre of which habits are there and which are not . and then you will accept them then only you will be able to bring change in yourself so lets start with                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HAVING THE THREE C - you must be aware that cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in the word but do you know , cancer took the lives of 784,800 people in the year 2018 in india . according to a report by WHO, one in every 15 indians will die due to cancer . These facts are very bad but the good thing is that . a lot of work is going on in the medical field to fight it. Atleast maximum people understand the big problem of this cancer ,do not ignore it . its about normal cancer ,but author tells that just like this cancer is dangerous Same way every human has 3 mental qualities,which are dangerous as cancer . The only difference is that when there is normal cancer people see the problem and people take it seriousely and fight with it but these are 3C mental qualities that maximum people ignore .wich then gives them a lot of trouble too. it does not kill them directly ,but internally it  hurts and kills them  so what is the quality of 3C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COMPARING                                                      maxium people are always comparing themselves with others .they compares theri house , comparing theri incom  compare looks what do they get from it? they get unhappiness and sadness . why? because it is a fact that no matter how much you earn in life  no matter how good you look , but there will definitely be someone  who will earn more than you and will be better than you in life . So comparing is the one of the most stupid thing you should stop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COMPLAINING                                   maxium people always say that in my life the only problem keeps going on , i dont have a lot of thing , but they dont think that most of the people in world dont have what they have.  Example   according to a report for the year 2018    . 163 million people in indian do not have clean drinking water .million even billion of people all over the world do not have a house to live in. Every day 25,000 people die due to hunger and improper food in the whole world.children die because of malnutrition . but still those who have all these means home, good food and water they never   focus on these facts instead they are busy complaining that they dont have things. which like cancer ,keeps spoiling their life .                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CRITICIZING                           most of the people have a habit of seeing the shortcomings in others .They keep complainig on everything . the keep complaining on everything . The food was less spicy today if there was a littile more salt in the food today , it would have been a good taste not such clothes,there should be such etc . people see  evil in everything as a rusult of which they disturb the peace of lakhs of rupees because of small thing and they are not able to remain happy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and these are the three mental qualities  that do not allow maximum people to be successfull which you should not have .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PURPOSE OR IMPACT ?                    once two monks are sitting on the bank of the river and they see there is a scorpion which was drowning so the 1st monk goes there & saves him . after that the scorpio started sinking again .after that he again went to him and kept him on the side . after this he started drowning again and that monk again helping him. when this happend againg and again ,the othre monk asked . why are you repeatedly saving scorping, after you have it ll drown again .So what would be the benefit of this? on this monk told that it is his nature to drown without thinking but its my nature to save him .it means that the monks wasnt taking that action ,because he had to make some big impact. no rather,he was taking it because his purpose was clear.Maximum unsucceseful people try to creat big impact in their life and take action but those who are successful people just work on their purpose ,their dharma and thats what makes them great.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Finding out your purpose and your dharma is not that, author tells a formula with the help you can identify your purpose.   The Formula                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PASSION                 passion means doing something that makes you happy that work will come in the expertise in which your skill is good.                                                             USEFULNESS                              usefulness means that work which will benefit the society.      if there is any common use of these three things, then that is dharma , dharma means that less in which you have passion , in which  you have good skill and you are able to create impact , meaningful impact. That s why the 2nd habit is to remrmber that people who are unsuccessful have the habit to focus on impact rather than purpose. and those people never work on theri dharma .                                                                                                                                                                                            BETTER ROUTINE BETTER LIFE       do you want to get up early in the moring but even after trying every day, you can not get up early in the moring? The author says that he himself could not get up aerly in the moring .like most people , his family members used to make him wake up.but after a few years when he became a monk he came across a trick  to get up early in the moring which ends withing a line. and that line is if you want to get up early in the moring   then you have to sleep early at night , as simple as that .it is simple but not easy. Because we have a habit of sleeping late and  getting up late.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          maximum people  wake up early in the moring and start using the phone and late night also keep using the phone . and this habit creates the problem which we have to change. let us understand one thing which says that time has memory . time has memory . the question , if you have to form a new habit that will bring growth in your lif . how will you do that? for this ,the authors say should work to grow one habit at a time. because if you try to build more than one habit then your mind will give up very quickly .in this case , you will wake up in the moring to exercise, read books will work on my goals , dont try to make too many such habit , rather you make this habit that . you wont use phone after getting up in the moring , or use the phone till late night. just make it a simple habit first                          after doing this one simple thing your routine will start changing which will also change your life.  so , remember the habit  no.4 that those who are unsuccessful people never try to change their daily routine. those people always follow bad habit routine in life .                             UNDERSTAND YOURSELF GIVE YOUR SELF CLARITY       have  you ever asked yourself  a question in your self . what do you really want in life? what are your goals and why are they your goals?  who are you ?  what are your core values? if you have asked yourself these question, then that s great . because usually unsuccessful people , they consider such question  as time waste. but those who are successful people always try to know themselves well.     for exmple jay settys coach once called him in fornt of mirror which was covered with a lot of dust  after which he asked that what do you see in the mirror ? so on this setty says that i am not seeing anything because of the dust . after this he exlains him that this is how we do not see ourselves clearly in life when we keep ourselves covered with trouble and distraction and never try to understand ourselves .  that is why it is necessary that we remove the dust , and know ourselves well see our reflection clearly only then we will be able to move forward . when our parents used to teach us that we sould be in good company not with bad people , then we used to feel very bad about them  but here the author tells us that the company has a lot effect on us .even the watch movie watch ,the songs people we work with ,the books we read . all these things start a diffrent thought process in our mind & forms our identity . and understanding his identity and changing it when the time comes this is a very important thing . which most of the unsuccessful people do not do ,                                                                                       most of the unsuccessful people do not try to understand their identity, far form changing their identity .                                                                                                        CONTROL MIND , CONTROL                        EVERYTHING                                    a reserch has shown that more than 70 thousand thought come to our mind daily ,out of which the maximum thought is either of the future or the past and on average ,we are only in the present .3 secends remain .and the author shares an intersting story to understand why this happens . once an old man narrates a story to his grandson .he tells that. son , there are two wolve in all of use and they keep fighting with each other over evrything  . one of which is the wolf , anger envy , greed ,fear, lies ,insecurities which represents the ego .and the other wolf is sympathy , positivity , love peace , all these things.So the child asks him which of these two wolves wins? then the old man replies . the one you feed which means the one you feed , which you focus on. The more preference you give to choices, the more you will become .the more control you keep over your mind  the more control you will be able to control over everything .the best way is to make the right choice . our life is an outcome of our choices .whether the choice is big or small , like which videos should i watch on youtube , what should i eat for dinner , with whom should i spend time, what should i hate , what should i be happy about all such things . from small choices to big choices , whether i should be in this relationship or not , i should do job or not , all these choices affect our life , you should understand this .                                                    the author says that the people who are the most unsuccessful . they always focus on the worng choices . those people always feed anger, envy ,greed, fear, lies, insecurity,in short they feed their ego . because of which they are not able  to move forward .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  these ware the 5 habit that are found in unsuccessful people .                                                                                                                                                                                Credit by _ Seeken youtube channel 
