

                                            Hey Friend  in this artical you will learn about those 5 bad habit wich do not 90% of the people to be succrssful                                                                                                                                                               in these 5 habit we will see those 3 mental qualites which are like cancer which keeps maximum people unsuccessful  you should check that how many of these 3 are inside you ?  in the 2nd habit well learn about the purpose or impact on which ypu should focus more and here you will learn how to find out your dharma with the help of a formula  and habit  no 3 will discuss about how you  can wake up in the moring  . how you  can make a good moring routine  . then in habit number 4 we will talk about clarity  and in last habit no 5 we will disuss an interesting story  which is very likely that you must have heard it at least once and we will also learn what is the real meaning of
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